Material Gate Pass Management

No Need To Worry With Material Management.

Returnable Gate Pass

Returnable Gate Pass is issued when a material both exits the main gate and returns back to the company and also when a material enters the main gate and then exits the main gate. A returnable gate pass can have both inward and outward purposes.

  1. Inward Returnable Gate Pass, for instance, is issued when a material is rented where it will enter the main gate and also exit once the rent is over. Examples are samples and rental materials.

  1. Outward Returnable Gate Pass is issued when the materials of the company exits the main gate and returns. For instance, the company materials that need repair will be issued outward returnable gate pass for it to go outside and then return once it is repaired.

Non-Returnable Gate Pass

Non-Returnable Gate Pass is issued when a material that only exits the main gate or only enters the main gate. It is not a two way process. It should also be noted that approval for non-returnable gate pass is mandatory. A non-returnable gate pass can have both inward and outward purposes.

  1. Inward non-returnable gate pass is issued when a material enters the main gate and do not exits the gate. These materials are usually for company's use. Examples are raw materials, consumables, and stationaries for the company are requested.

  1. Outward non-returnable gate pass is issued only when a material exits the main gate. Examples are manufactured goods for sales.


Plant Location



Employee Master

Name | Address | City | State | Pincode | Mobile No | Email ID | Designation | Department

Vendor Master

Company Name | Address | City | State | Pincode | Mobile No | Email ID

Plant Master

Plant Name | Address | City | State | Pin code | Mobile No | Email ID

Contractor Master

Company Name | Address | City | State | Pincode | Mobile No | Email ID


Company Name | Address | City | State | Pincode | Mobile No | Email ID

User Privileges

Add | Approve | Edit | Delete | View | Alerts

Gate Pass

Date | | Plant | Name of Party (Customer/vendor/Contractor) | Vehicle No | Transporter Name | Challan/Bill No | Materials | Qty | Remarks | Is the material returnable? | Select Employee | Alerts and Approval | Time In | Time Out | Print / PDF the Gate Pass


Track returnable and non-returnable materials

Centralised Material Tracking Option

Predefined Or Customised Material gate pass Facility

Role Based Material Requests, Approvals and Verification

Different Approval Levels

EMAIL & SMS Notification for IN-OUT of Material

Different MIS Reports for Materials on premises

Complete Web based Solutions

Acknowledgement for returns of Materials


The first step of material gate pass management is requester makes a request for inward/outward movement of material and creates the pass.


In the same workflow, request is assigned to concerned approver for approval/rejection. Approvals can go up to 3 levels, sequential or parallel.


The stage where material goes outside the organization via security gate after verification and issue of gate pass / delivery challan. Multi-level dispatch can also be done. Photo of material and vendors and vehicle details to be stored


In this stage, receiver gives acknowledgement receipt after receiving the material. After which receiver and sender both are notified through email/SMS.


The last stage of the workflow where all returnable items would be tracked till return with necessary reminders and escalations.

Best Suitable for Below Sectors

  • Commercial Offices

  • Manufacturing

  • Corporate Park

  • School / Colleges

  • Residential Building

  • Hospital

  • Government Offices

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